WW100 – New Zealand's First World War Centenary Programme ran from 2014 to 2019

Please note this site has been archived



What can a memorial's inscription and list of names tell us about New Zealand communities 100 years ago?

Did you know that almost all of New Zealand's First World War memorials were paid for by local communities, schools and work places?

There are over 500 First World War memorials scattered across the country, in almost every community. Why did New Zealanders go to such monumental lengths to create them?

For the Passchendaele centenary national commemoration, Wellington Girls' College student Brooke Kinajil-Moran prepared a speech inspired by the compassion shown by New Zealanders 100 years ago.

Historian and educator Steve Watters challenges us to consider fresh perspectives of the First World War and its commemoration.

Margaret Lovell-Smith, lead researcher for the Voices Against War project, urges people to consider the peace perspective during centenary commemorations.

Matthew Buck, Senior Adviser Heritage with the New Zealand Defence Force, asks why we would want to remember something as horrible as a war.

Mark Compain from the Royal New Zealand Returned and Services' Association explains the organisation's changing position on remembrance.